Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kindle Fire 7 inch with Google Play + Play Books from LINUX

This doesn’t even require rooting your Fire Tablet.

On Linux

Enable ADB.

Enable Dev Options on the fire Tab by clicking on 7 times.Locate the “Serial Number” field on this page and tap it repeatedly. Tap it seven or more times and you’ll see a “Developer Options” option appear below it. Tap “Developer Options.”

Get the 1 file from called "" , unzip and collect only the files with the apk extensions.

USB or IP connect the FireTab.  

Now install and change properties in these orders :

adb install
adb install GoogleLoginService.apk
adb install GoogleServicesFramework.apk
adb shell pm grant android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS
adb install
adb shell pm hide

Now you should be able to fireup Google Play store after logging in with a gmail account.

All these are availabel for WINODWS at

I had just read the bat files to skim out the commands for Linux.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

মরি মরি, ২১ শে ফেব্রুয়ারী

মরি মরি, ২১ শে ফেব্রুয়ারী

Why is this important to have people of Sierra Leone people sing the "আমার ভাইয়ের " and have that broadcasted?

Why do we have the US Ambassador wear লুঙ্গি  and have that broadcasted ?

Why ইত্যাদি show get the foreigners recite in Bangla while knowing no-bangla ?
Have these foreigners dance like the indian clowns to show solidarity to Bnagladeshi viewers.  

It is because as Bangalee/Bangladeshi we have no self respect!
We feel confident only when we see these white folks accepting ( or pretending to accept) our culture. The same mentality shows in authorships,  writing a book in English is much more prestigious than writing in Bangla.

In general speaking and writing in pure colloquial Bangla is the most difficult skill to achieve for any educated Bangalee. As we been slipping in English words as sign of education, we have lost the simple no-englisg-mixing way of speaking or writing Bangla.

Kudos to মহিউদ্দিন খান আলামগীর ( Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir), the once State Minister of Bangladesh who tried hard to speak bangla free of all english junks.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fakhrul Islam Securities Insecure

Fakhrul Islam Securities uses Insecure web technology!

They been operating since 1987!
There is no HTTPS. 
There is no 2T ( 2 Tier) login. 

Buyer be-aware!

Friday, July 3, 2015

DRM: IT and Legal Point of Views

WORKSHOP: Challenges and Opportunities in the Book Publishing Sector
August 27–28, 2014
Dhaka, Bangladesh

I had the opportunity to present the preliminary concepts of DRM and whats to do with eBook Piracy at the Session #4 Titled "DRM and Combating Book Piracy in the Digital Age". It was scheduled for 12:15PM, but finally started at 1:30PM on the Day-2.

Photo Credit: Arefeen Shovon @MobioApp

The session was chaired by Mr. Mustafa Jabbar ( Bijoy) , fellow speakers were Mr.A.K. Sabbir Mahbub ( ) and an Advocate from India. 

I explained how "DRM" is rather enabling all-parties to do what they are entitled  (legal) to do, it can enable us so that each party in the supply chain gets paid for their effort. Authors could eventually focus on their writings and less on worry over the uncertainty of royalty.    

Authors can get a direct feedback from their readers. 
DRM is a Ever-Improving project, since we started Boipoka  at our web site has been hacked once and the Android app has been hacked twice. We been constantly improving our offerings to overcome these challenges. 

Currently for each 5 ebook sales, we sell one in India. 

Bangladesh Copyright Act-2000/2005 had put the cornerstones for the Authors to claim "Ownership" of their work just like any other property. This allows the authors to allow others to use the property within certain guidelines. This also chalks out the penalties in case of "Breach".  While this is not adequate but just enough to give the DRM-Pirates, Bootleggers a good run for their reputation.

The presentation slides are here. Please use them if you need but do-site this blog in credits. 

Additional Content :

Sep 1st, 2014

Saturday, June 20, 2015

US Passport Renewal at US Embassy Bangladesh

Passport renewal:

Target :
Passport renewal for a < 16 yr old, ( born in NYC)  at Dhaka Embassy.
All info submitted via DS-11 (

[STEP 1] Fill out the DS-11 from the web and get a printout, staple 2 Passport Photos in the form

[STEP 2] Get a appointment at the embassy using the appointment URL

[STEP 3] Reach Embassy 15 mins prior to appointment, say "Citizens Service" at the gate

[STEP 4]ALL-SET: When they call your Name they will make sure the Application is complete, will take all docs from D1 to D4  and give you a stub to pay the Fee at the next step

[STEP 5]PAYMENT: Pay the Fee using  the stub you get at Step 4 in the payment Window. Collect 2 receipts for the payment

[STEP 6]INTERVIEW: Here She asks for D6 and all the questions ( see below). In the D-11 Form Mom & Dad will have to sign in from of the interviewer and He/She will verify the sign against the submitted  D6. Once convinced she will give you "Customer Copy" of the payment receipts where (1) She/He put a seal (2) Ask the Mom/Dad to sign on the back. Using this receipt the signatory will be able to collect the renewed passport when ready at Simons.

Required Docs/Steps:
D1. Expired Passport
D2. 2 Copies of Passport (2"x2") photo
D3. Original Birth Certificate
D4. Progressive ( 4 Photos a year) Album of the Applicant to confirm "its-the-same-person"
D5. Fee ( Estimated $105) to be paid at the embassy  in BDT ( rate 79 BDT = 1 USD)
D6. National ID or Passports of the Mom & Dad.

Questions asked at the Interview:
To Applicant : Who is this in the photo ( pointing to her brother ) ?
To Applicant : Who are these two people with you ( pointing to me & mywife ) ?
To Me : Why renewing this passport now after 2-yrs since expiration ?

To submit an application for a child under age 16 both parents or the child's legal guardian(s) must appear and present the following:
- Evidence of the child's U.S. citizenship;
- Evidence of the child's relationship to parents/guardian(s); AND
- Parental/guardian government-issued identification.

- Each minor child applying for a U.S. passport book and/or passport card must appear in person.

Submit a color photograph of you alone, sufficiently recent to be a good likeness of you (taken within the last six months), and 2x2 inches in size. Face should cover ~1 3/8 inches of the photograph with a plain light (white or off-white) background. The photograph must be taken in normal street attire, without a hat, head covering, or dark glasses unless a signed statement is submitted by the applicant verifying the item is worn daily for religious purposes or a signed doctor's statement is submitted
verifying the item is used daily for medical purposes. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Stock/Share Transfer in Bangladesh

Stock/Share Transfer in Bangladesh for a Private Limited Company 

Possible All Steps:

  1. Fill out "INSTRUMENT OF TRANSFER OF SHARES" using Form-117
  2. AFFIDVIT, Transfer shares deed 
  3. Resignation from the Post of Shareholder 

Using Form 117 :

 AFFIDVIT, Transfer shares deed 

Resignation from the Post of Shareholder:


at :

What document(s) shall I submit in  returns for change'?   Ref 

Filled in Form III - Notice of consolidation, division, subdivision or conversion into stock of shares: to be filed within 15 days of consolidation and division etc. [Section 53 & 54].
Filled in Form IV - Notice of increase share capital: to be filed within 15 days of increase of share capital/member [Section 56].
Filled in Form VIII – Special Resolution/ Extraordinary Resolution including name change, conversion into public company, alteration of the memorandum of association, alteration of articles of association etc : to be filed within 15 days of the meeting [Section 88 (1)].
Filled in Form VIII – Special Resolution/ Extraordinary Resolution including name change, conversion into public company, alteration of the memorandum of association, alteration of articles of association etc : to be filed within 15 days of the meeting [Section 88 (1)].
Filled in Form IX - Consent of Director to act: to be filed within 30 days of appointment [Section 92].
Filled in Form XII - Particulars of the Directors, Manager and Managing Agents and of any change therein: to be filed within 14 days from the date of appointment or change [Section 115].
Filled in Form XV - Return of allotment: to be filed within 60 days of allotment [Section 151].
Filled in Form XVIII - Particulars of mortgages or charges: to be filed within 21 days of creation of the mortgage or charge [Section 159 & 391].
Filled in Form XIX - Particulars of Modification of Mortgage or Charge: to be filed within 21 days of the date modification [Section 167(3) & 319].
10 Filled in Form XXVIII - Memorandum of satisfaction of mortgage charge: to be filed within 21 days of the date satisfaction [Section 12 & 391].
11 Filled in Form 117 - Instrument of Transfer of Shares.
12 Digital copy of original Memorandum & Articles of Association

Monday, November 17, 2014

Android ADT Eclipse crashes

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment while ECLIPSE Ubuntu 14.04.
Here is the Dump after ECLIPSE/ADT crashes:

molash@LENNY14:~$ Nov 17, 2014 3:10:35 PM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase processCookieHeaders
WARNING: Cookie rejected: "$Version=0; __cfduid=dd9da8cc5753779ea56ba80927d8fa0641416215434; $Path=/; $". Illegal domain attribute "". Domain of origin: ""
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f35444962a1, pid=3766, tid=139869453416192
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_72-b14) (build 1.7.0_72-b14)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.72-b04 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  []  soup_session_feature_detach+0x11
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/palash/hs_err_pid3766.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

Adding these seems to have solved the issue !

to configuration/config.ini