Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kindle Fire 7 inch with Google Play + Play Books from LINUX

This doesn’t even require rooting your Fire Tablet.

On Linux

Enable ADB.

Enable Dev Options on the fire Tab by clicking on 7 times.Locate the “Serial Number” field on this page and tap it repeatedly. Tap it seven or more times and you’ll see a “Developer Options” option appear below it. Tap “Developer Options.”

Get the 1 file from called "" , unzip and collect only the files with the apk extensions.

USB or IP connect the FireTab.  

Now install and change properties in these orders :

adb install
adb install GoogleLoginService.apk
adb install GoogleServicesFramework.apk
adb shell pm grant android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS
adb install
adb shell pm hide

Now you should be able to fireup Google Play store after logging in with a gmail account.

All these are availabel for WINODWS at

I had just read the bat files to skim out the commands for Linux.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

মরি মরি, ২১ শে ফেব্রুয়ারী

মরি মরি, ২১ শে ফেব্রুয়ারী

Why is this important to have people of Sierra Leone people sing the "আমার ভাইয়ের " and have that broadcasted?

Why do we have the US Ambassador wear লুঙ্গি  and have that broadcasted ?

Why ইত্যাদি show get the foreigners recite in Bangla while knowing no-bangla ?
Have these foreigners dance like the indian clowns to show solidarity to Bnagladeshi viewers.  

It is because as Bangalee/Bangladeshi we have no self respect!
We feel confident only when we see these white folks accepting ( or pretending to accept) our culture. The same mentality shows in authorships,  writing a book in English is much more prestigious than writing in Bangla.

In general speaking and writing in pure colloquial Bangla is the most difficult skill to achieve for any educated Bangalee. As we been slipping in English words as sign of education, we have lost the simple no-englisg-mixing way of speaking or writing Bangla.

Kudos to মহিউদ্দিন খান আলামগীর ( Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir), the once State Minister of Bangladesh who tried hard to speak bangla free of all english junks.