Friday, November 29, 2013

Mazeda Internet SP (ISP)

Mazeda Internet SP (ISP):
Dhanmondi, Dhaka

I called them few times before they picked up. The other side does not have simplest phone manner, I had to ask "is this Mazeda ?" .  The gentleman "Mirazu" noted doewn my phone, home location and said will call me back to confirm if this will be free installation "30 meter wire installation is free installation", That was last Friday.

Its Tuesday now, they never called. I finally decided to call back. Got the same phone-illiterate "Mirazu". He said he would call back after checking logbook and did in 10 mins. He said it will be 300 for installation. I asked why, is this more than 300 meters ?  He said that we are not sure of but installation will cost 300. I again asked if it waz to be free then why 300 ? He says there is "*certain restriction applies". I asked well the tell me in what cases it is actually Free . He started mumbling and finally completed the sentence "it will be 300 taka".  What a  schmuck .

I just saw their webpage
This same idiot claims "Mazeda Broadband LTD | Web Developer : Miraz Hossain". 
The developed webpage is fugly.

Nov28th : 

Finally after 4 scheduled installations and 8-9 calls two guys finally arrived at my doorstep with a big box ..."1000 FT box" of wire. Installation required a Win machine which they did not have, they were asking if I had a screwdriver to lend. Anyhow finally they installed it worked find in windows but NOT in Ubuntu. BDT 700 installation + BDT 500 for god knows how much wire !

Ubuntu needed ppconfig . It worked fine for browsers but the Wine-apps  do not pickup the connection! Anyhow tried their Download servers , worked fine in win but not-in Ubuntu! Working on it now.  

Nov 30th.

Only god know why their PPPoE does not work with Dlink , USRobitics ! works only with TP-freaking-Link 300.   
I started to load DDWRT on USR router but its briked now.. Pissed a bit. Such schmucks these Mazeda installers and engineers ... it is like they have done maths for rotten-apples but not for rotten-oranges. Math is math suckers.

Peeked into their Illegal movies database , great that its porn free but mostly very main stream movies. 


Screenshot of animations : 

Books by Humayun Ahmed 


mazeda is been working fine so far. 
I see RX near 37-45 KBps , which is nice. 
Thier movie, book database is not reachable behind firewall or NAT. Tried DMZ few times still no moola.  

My Chrome & Firefox were not loading the Facebook, yahoo-mail  or properly. It was not picking up the CSS and JavaScripts so those pages were vertically, could not say which were what!  FB on my Android phone were not showing any photos .... pages taking for ever to load. Hangout-plugin in gmail waas taking forever to load. 
 Its been like that since Thursday Night. 

Started digging.  
Finally found that the MAZEDA DNS servers &  are not been able to resolute the, googleplugins etc. Made the primary DSN as ( google) and it started to work all good from there on. 

This issue was not there a week ago!
What you been doing MAZEDA ?

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